About Us

CCRP Jamaica is a non-profit, non-denominational, and non-political membership organization for persons 40 and over. The organization was founded by Jean Lowrie-Chin as a tribute to her mother and other seniors who had guided her company, PROComm, after it celebrated its 30th Anniversary. PROComm provides facilities and administrative support for CCRP. CCRP currently has over 12,000 members.

CCRP’s Vision/Mission:

  • To work towards ensuring that the vast talent, experience, and wisdom of seniors will be respected.
  • To ensure that our seniors will enjoy the quality of life they deserve.
  • Empowerment of our seniors to continue making their contribution to the development of community, country, and region.

Membership Benefits

Members are entitled to numerous benefits:

  • Eligibility for enrolment in CGM Gallagher CCRP Group Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan underwritten by Sagicor.
  • Eligibility for enrolment in Sagicor CCRP Group Major Medical Health Insurance Plan.
  • Eligibility for JNGI Silver Shield auto and property insurance plan.
  • Discounts and special offers from over 100 Discount Partners. The list of Discount Partners can be found on the CCRP website.
  • Excursions and “Wellness & Lifestyle” social events.

Please visit the CCRP Website for details on our Discount Partners and the Health Plans underwritten by Sagicor Group and managed by Gallagher Insurance Brokers.

The application form to join CCRP is available on our website www.ccrponline.org or at any of our branches islandwide (see below).

Registration Fee: 1 year - J$2,500, 3 years - J$5,500, 5 years - J$8,500.
Membership Renewal Fee: 1 year - J$2,000, 3 years - J$5,000, 5 years - J$8,000.

Branch Locations

Kingston - Phoenix Central, 2 Phoenix Avenue, Suite 16, Kingston 10. Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am-2pm. Tel: 876-469-1944 / 876-295-7059 or email [email protected]

Mandeville – Global Travel Service, Manchester Shopping Centre. Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10am-2pm. Tel: 876-278-1590 or email [email protected]

Ocho Rios – St Ann Chamber of Commerce, Pineapple Place, Ocho Rios. Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9am-12pm. Tel: 876-553-0329 or email [email protected]

Montego Bay – Unity of Montego Bay Worship Centre, 12 Dome Street, Montego Bay. Hours: Tuesday & Friday 10am-2pm. Tel: 876-550-9330 or email [email protected]